Local Government
Swanson helps lead state's effort to head off national pork shortage
As the threat of a meat shortage begins to creep into the nation’s consciousness, State Rep. Dan Swanson is seeking to head off a crisis.
A Rock Island-area Republican is hoping to obtain enough signatures by next week's July 17 deadline to place a Second Amendment advisory question on the ballot in November's General Election.

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- McGuire-Madunic seeks to bring accountability to clerk’s office
- Quad-Cities social justice protests have health officials concerned about COVID-19 spread
- Western Illinois University distributes nearly $3 million through Student Emergency Fund
- Optimist Club places 1,000 flags along Avenue of the Flags on Memorial Day
- Many Illinois shoppers view Pritzker's face mask decree as a suggestion instead of a mandate
An 11-year-old is helping to make sure that students in the Geneseo School District regularly have enough milk to drink.

Amy Coffey earns $89,800 during 2023 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections
Local Government
Holly Dockery earns $87,700 at Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs in 2023
Local Government
Grant Kolthoff earns 32 percent more during 2023 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections
Local Government
Jarrod Carter earns 24 percent more during 2023 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections
Krystina McHatton earns 42 percent more during 2023 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections
Local Government
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Local Government
Robert Dobkowski earns $101,400 during 2023 working as a correctional officer
Local Government
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Local Government
Local Government
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Amy Coffey earned $89,800 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections during 2023.
Local Government
Holly Dockery earned $87,700 during 2023 working for the Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs as a registered nurse, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Local Government
Grant Kolthoff earns 32 percent more during 2023 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections
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Local Government
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Jarrod Carter earned $90,500 during 2023 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections.
Local Government
Krystina McHatton earns 42 percent more during 2023 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections
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Local Government
Jason Stahl earns $101,200 during 2023 working as a correctional officer
Jason Stahl earned $101,200 working as a correctional officer during 2023.
Local Government
Robert Dobkowski earned $101,400 working as a correctional officer during 2023.
Local Government
David Bush earns 15 percent less during 2023 working for the Illinois Department of Transportation
David Bush earned $65,400 during 2023 working for the Illinois Department of Transportation.
Local Government
Jeffrey Beck earns $89,700 during 2023 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections
Jeffrey Beck earned $89,700 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections during 2023.
Best station to purchase regular gas near zip code 61282
The Shell at 2101 Hospital Road in Silvis is selling the cheapest regular gasoline near zip code 61282 this week, according to GasBuddy.com.